When I found out my cousin was expecting her second babe I knew I had to make the effort to go out and do her newborn photos since I missed the boat the first time around! Now traveling for a newborn session means you really need to go with the flow since you don’t know when baby will arrive. So Blake was just over 2 weeks old when I got to meet her! It was the most gorgeous drive ever to Tofino, I really regret not taking advantage of that drive when I lived on the island. When I arrived for Blake’s newborn session I had just dropped Madison and my mom off at the beach with Blake’s surfing king dad only to find out that Madison was surfing that day at the same place with the Prime Minister!
We spent what seemed like hours getting Blake to calm enough for her photos but she clearly only had one place in mind to do that and it wasn’t until we were on the beach with the sound of the waves that she actually slept for us! Thankful that I was able to go visit and get to meet her plus enjoy some Tacofino (best tacos ever). Cannot wait to travel back to Tofino hopefully next summer!!!